Training your dog to walk on a leash is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner. A well-trained dog will enjoy going for walks and will be less likely to pull, lunge or bark, making the experience enjoyable for both you and your dog.
Walking your dog on a leash also provides great exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization opportunities for your furry friend. However, training a dog to walk on a leash can be a challenging process that requires patience, consistency, and the right techniques.
In this guide, we will explore some effective strategies for leash training your dog, including selecting the right equipment, teaching your dog basic commands, and troubleshooting common problems.
Whether you’re starting with a new puppy or working with an older dog, these tips and techniques can help you teach your furry friend how to walk on a leash confidently and obediently.
What Is Leash Training?
Leash training is like a bridge between you and your pup: a way to get them used to walking with you outside while wearing a leash. It’s an art form that takes practice and patience, and it involves teaching your furry friend to walk beside you, without pulling, barking, lagging, or trying to dash ahead like a wild animal.
The ultimate goal is to have your dog calmly and obediently by your side, enjoying the walk as much as you are.
Why Leash Training Is Important ?
Leash training is crucial for your dog’s safety, socialization, and compliance with community laws. Here are three reasons why:

Leash training your furry friend is equally as important as teaching them basic commands like sit, come, and stay. By teaching them to walk on a leash, you can take them to public places with other dogs without worrying about them getting out of control.
Proper leash training can prevent accidents, such as your dog running into a busy street. Dogs can also harm themselves by pulling on the leash, which can cause injury to both you and your dog. Leash training helps avoid these mishaps and keeps your dog safe.
Most cities and communities have leash laws that require dogs to be leashed while in public. Leash training your puppy ensures that you follow these rules, making it easier for you to take your dog to the vet or groomer without any legal issues.
When Should You Teach Your Dog Leash Training?
Timing is everything! You should start teaching your pooch leash etiquette as early as possible, ideally at four to six weeks of age, or at ten weeks old.
By this point, your pup should have a basic understanding of when to take care of business outside and respond positively to your feedback.
You should also be able to rely on your pup to refrain from biting people or other pets in your household. If you notice these signals, it’s a good indication that your furry companion is prepared to learn the ropes of leash training.
Starting leash training early on can make it easier for you to take your pup out for exercise and potty training.
However, it’s best to wait until your pup receives their rabies shots and final booster, usually at sixteen weeks, before taking them to dog parks or letting them socialize with other dogs.
In the meantime, you can teach your furry friend how to walk calmly on a leash in the comfort of your home.
A Few Things Needed When You Leash Train A Puppy
To commence the process of training your furry friend to walk beside you, it is vital to stock up on a few necessary supplies. Fortunately, aside from a few sunny days, you won’t require many items. Here’s a concise list of items that could come in handy:
- Collar: Opt for a comfortable collar that fits your furry friend perfectly.
- Leash: During these training sessions, use a standard-length leash to attain maximum control.
- Treats: It’s crucial to have a healthy supply of delectable treats on hand to reward your loyal companion for a job well done.
- A serene place: Attempt to select a tranquil location to go for walks as fewer distractions equal a more rapid learning process.
- Perseverance: You’ll need an unending supply of this, and you should never scold your furry friend for making mistakes.
- Time: It would be best if you practiced as often as possible, as reinforcing the concept frequently results in a faster learning process.
How to train your dog walk on leash

1.Get acquainted with a leash
When walking your furry friend on a leash, you have to pick the right dog walking collar or harness and the right leash. For instance, if you have a tiny Chihuahua, a dog harness is the way to go, while larger dogs can go with either a retractable dog leash or a rope dog leash.
But wait, there’s more! It would help to introduce your puppy to the leash, so they get used to it and feel comfortable.
And remember to bring plenty of treats to reward good behavior during leash training. To make it even easier, consider using a training treat pouch to store the treats instead of holding them in your hand.
And to signal to your dog that they’re doing great, use a clicker or a marker such as a resounding “yes!”
2.Use the basic commands
First, ensure they know basic commands like “come” and “stay.” When you say “come,” your dog should immediately stop whatever they’re doing and move towards you. This is helpful when you need to gather them up for a walk.
Next up is the “stay” command. This teaches your dog to remain still for a brief period. This is especially handy when you’re trying to attach the collar or harness and leash. Plus, it’s also helpful when crossing the street or waiting at a crosswalk.
So, remember to practice these basic commands before diving into the leash training process. Your pup will be grateful for the extra guidance!
3.Pay attention
Hey there! You might think that you can start walking your dog right away, but hold your horses! You need to ensure that your pooch is paying attention to you, or else he might pull or run around like crazy.
So, be patient and wait for even the slightest eye contact or glance from your dog – that’s when you “capture” the moment and immediately give a reward.
Repeat this often so that your dog knows that looking at you means treats! Don’t forget to add a “cue” like “look” or “eyes” to grab your dog’s attention and then reward him for it.
With practice, your dog will be looking at you more often, making your walks more enjoyable for both of you!
4.Train your pup to come to you
First, attach a leash to your pup’s collar and place the free end of the leash on the ground. As your pup begins to explore, call their name and show them a treat in your hand.
Encourage them to come to you by moving backward a few steps. Once your pup reaches you, give them the treat as a reward.
Repeat this process until your pup starts walking with you. If they get confused or don’t respond, don’t pull on the leash. Instead, show them the treat and guide them towards you.
Keep practicing until your pup comes to you willingly without needing a treat every time. With some patience and persistence, your pup will learn to come to you on command
5.Expend a little energy before leash training
To make your dog’s leash training easier, tire your furry friend out before the walk. Hyperactive dogs might tend to pull, so you must expend that extra energy before leash training.
There are many ways to burn energy, like playing fetch, running free in the backyard, or taking a dip in the pool. These activities can help your puppy burn off some of that pent-up energy.
6.Walk by your side
First, choose a side and stick to it. Whether it’s the left or right side, make sure it’s consistent, so you and your dog don’t trip over each other.
Next, keep the leash short enough to maintain a proper walking position but not too fast so that you’re dragging your pup along. This will help your puppy understand the desired walking behavior you’re looking for.
Treats are a great way to lure your pup into the correct walking position but make sure they are small and soft so they don’t distract your dog too much. You can also use a clicker or verbal praise to reinforce good behavior.
As your pup starts to understand the concept of walking by your side, you can stop using treats to lure them and instead focus on rewarding them for staying in the correct position.
Remember, consistency is key! Practice makes perfect, so keep at it, and soon enough, you and your furry friend will be walking in sync like a well-oiled machine.
7.Reward them with treats
Oh boy, when it comes to leash training your pup, rewards and treats are the way to go! You have to keep those treats coming in hot and heavy. Don’t be stingy with those rewards!
It would help reward your furry friend every few steps when you start. Yep, that’s right, every few steps! Then, as your doggo gets better at walking by your side, you can gradually increase the distance between treats.
And listen up folks! The size and texture of the treats are essential too! You want to ensure they are small and tender so your dog can quickly gobble them up and keep on truckin’ with the leash training. So, don’t skimp on those treats, and keep the rewards flowing!
If you’re thinking of embarking on the journey of dog leash training, then you must know that it requires a lot of patience, time, and effort. There will be good and bad days, but keeping your cool and staying persistent is essential.
It’s important to acknowledge even the most minor achievements and praise your furry friends. After all, these tiny victories add up over time and help develop the correct walking habit.
Remember to stay persistent and keep working with your pups. With patience and effort, your furry companions will eventually learn to accept the leash and walk properly on it.
Tips to train your dog to walk on a leash

Step 1: Start with the little ones
Regarding puppy leash training, taking things slow and steady is essential. Start by introducing the leash indoors and allow your little furry friends to play around with it to help them become more comfortable and distracted from it.
Once they’ve adjusted to it, you can move on to leash walking outdoors.
To ensure your puppy’s comfort, ensure the leash is loose enough and doesn’t irritate them. Practice in a safe environment, like your backyard, where your puppy won’t run off or get lost.
If you have concerns about your furry friends running away, it’s essential to have a fence to keep them secure.
Remember, it takes time and consistency for your puppy to become familiar with leash training. Start with short walks and gradually increase the length of your walks as they become more comfortable with the leash.
Step 2: Change Directions
It’s time to mix things up and add flavor to your pup’s leash training routine. Start by switching directions and throwing in some zig-zags to test their skills.
This will reinforce the idea that they must always stay by your side, so be sure to reward their success with plenty of praise and treats.
Don’t be afraid to get creative and keep your furry friend on their toes. After all, variety is the spice of life, even for your dog’s training sessions.
Step 3: Practice walking outside
It’s time to level up your leash training game by taking it outside! But wait to dive into a regular walk. The great outdoors is filled with tempting distractions that can throw your doggo off their training game.
Once you’re ready to venture out, take it slow by limiting your steps to only five to ten feet away from your house, then turn back and repeat.
This will create a structure for your furry friend and help them understand they should walk calmly by your side instead of pulling or zig-zagging around.
Step 4: A Long Walk
The time has come to take your four-legged friend for a walk beyond the 10 feet of training. But wait, wait to get too excited! You must ensure your dog is on your left side, just as during training.
With the leash in your right hand, keep your left hand around 12 to 18 inches from your dog’s collar, and remember to keep some slack in the leash. Why? Because tension only leads to pulling, and we don’t want that, do we?
In addition to keeping slack on the leash, you must stay alert to your surroundings and ensure your dog stays focused.
If you see another dog approaching, go to the other side of the street or find a spot to step back and give your pup some space. Anticipate distractions to keep your dog’s attention on the walk.
Of course, there will be times when your dog pulls ahead to take care of business. That’s completely normal. Once he’s done, clean up after him and give the heel command to bring him back to your side.
Remember, this is the moment of truth! Stay alert, stay focused, and stay positive.
Troubleshoot your puppy’s leash-training
Get ready to troubleshoot your puppy’s leash-training woes! As your furry friend grows older and starts exploring new places, he might start facing new distractions, making it difficult for him to learn how to walk on a leash.
But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some tips on how to teach your pup to walk nicely on a loose leash.

1.If your dog pulls you
Hey there! If you’re walking your pup and they start pulling ahead, stop right there and turn yourself into a statue, no movement allowed!
Call your pup to come back to your side, or better yet, use those yummy treats to lure them back to you. But hold on a sec, don’t give them a treat just yet! Take two or three steps forward first, then feed them the treat.
This way, you won’t be teaching them that pulling ahead equals a reward. We want to encourage them to learn that walking nicely by your side on a loose leash is what earns them those tasty treats.
2.If your dog lunges you
If your pup is prone to lunging after something while you’re out on a walk, you need to be on high alert.
Keep some treats handy and try to redirect his attention before he gets too worked up. Increase the distance between your dog and the object of his desire to help prevent him from lunging.
Don’t wait until the last minute to act – be proactive! Even herding breeds can be susceptible to this kind of behavior, so it’s important to always be prepared.
3.If your dog barks
Barking is a common issue when you’re out on a walk with your pooch. It can be really embarrassing and annoying.
There could be a few reasons behind this behavior, one of which is your furry friend not getting enough exercise. If that’s the case, make sure to provide him with enough physical and mental stimulation.
If that doesn’t work, then try redirecting his attention with treats before he starts barking. You could also create some distance between him and the source of distraction. This will help him to get used to turning his attention to you instead of barking.
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Frequently Ask Question
1.What is the best way to train a dog Leash?
There are plenty of ways to do it, but let me tell you about the best way: treat rewards and positive reinforcement! That’s right, most trainers and almost all dog owners agree that rewarding good behavior is the way to go.
So, next time your pup walks nicely by your side, give them a yummy treat and lots of praise.
2.Is vaccination required before training?
Dog owners have been pondering whether they should wait for their puppy to complete their vaccinations before leash training. But let’s bust the myth – you can start the leash training process indoors, even before your furry friend has received all their vaccinations.
Leash training is a vital skill that every dog should learn, and you can start with indoor leash training. By beginning indoors, your puppy can get familiar with the leash without getting exposed to harmful germs and diseases.
Once your puppy has completed all the core vaccinations, you can continue leash training them outdoors. Keep in mind that you should always stay on top of your puppy’s vaccination schedule to protect them from potential illnesses.
In conclusion, training your dog to walk on a leash is an essential part of responsible pet ownership that provides great exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization opportunities for your furry friend.
While it can be a challenging process that requires patience, consistency, and the right techniques, following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide can help you train your dog to walk confidently and obediently on a leash.
Remember to select the right equipment, use positive reinforcement techniques, teach your dog basic commands, and be patient and consistent with your training routine.
With time and practice, your dog can learn to enjoy going for walks and be less likely to pull, lunge, or bark, making the experience enjoyable for both you and your dog.