Johnson American Bulldog: A Powerful and Loyal Breed

Meet the American Bulldog Johnson: A symbol of strength and loyalty, this remarkable breed of dog was bred by John D. Johnson. These muscular dogs possess an imposing physique and unwavering devotion. With their broad heads and robust bodies, they command respect.

Yet, their gentle nature and deep bond with their families make them beloved companions. From working dogs to cherished family pets, the American Bulldog Johnson captures hearts worldwide with remarkable qualities and unwavering loyalty.

A Brief Overview of American Bulldog Johnson

Johnson American Bulldog information
Other NamesClassic American Bulldog, American Johnson Bulldog, original American Bulldog, Bully American Bulldog
AKC RecognitionYes
Height22-27 inches
Weight90-120 pounds
ColorsLevel of sheddingTemperamentBrilliance/ IntelligenceBlue, black, white, brindleNormalPlayfulHigh
Lifespan10-16 years
Puppy cost$1,200-$3,500
A brief summary of Classic American Bulldog

Types of American Bulldog

Early farmers, butchers, and dedicated breeders have employed selective breeding techniques to refine the American Bulldog breed, tailoring it to suit specific job requirements. As a result, today, we recognize five distinct varieties within the American Bulldog family, each possessing its unique characteristics and traits:

1. Johnson American Bulldog:

physical appearance of American Johnson Bulldog

This type, also known as the classic American Bulldog, pays homage to the efforts of breeder John D. Johnson, who played a pivotal role in reviving the breed during the mid-20th century. Known for their substantial build and muscular stature, Johnson American Bulldogs are often recognized for their strength and loyalty.

2. Scott American Bulldog: 

What is a  Scott American Bulldog ?

Named after another influential breeder, Allen Scott, this type of American Bulldog is renowned for its athleticism and agility. Scott American Bulldogs showcase a leaner physique than their Johnson counterparts, excelling in dog sports and agility competitions.

3. Painter/Margentina American Bulldog: 

What is a Painter/Margentina American Bulldog?

This variety draws its name from two prominent breeders who played instrumental roles in refining the breed—Alan Scott and John D. Johnson. Painter and Margentina American Bulldogs exhibit a balance between the characteristics of the Johnson and Scott types, combining strength, athleticism, and versatility.

4. Old Southern White Bulldog: 

What is a Old Southern White Bulldog?

This type harkens back to the breed’s early roots and is characterized by its white coat. Developed to assist farmers with various tasks, the Old Southern White Bulldog possesses a solid, sturdy, protective build.

5. Hybrid American Bulldogs: 

What is a Hybrid American Bulldogs?

As the name suggests, this type involves breeding American Bulldogs with other breeds, resulting in unique hybrid offspring that may exhibit a blend of characteristics from both parent breeds. Depending on the specific species involved in the cross, these hybrids can showcase a wide range of appearances and traits.

History of American Bulldog Johnson

The Johnson American Bulldog has its origins traced back to the Old White English Bulldog, which working immigrants brought to South America.

These dogs first appeared in historical records as valuable farm or ranch companions during the 17th century.

During the challenging times of World War II, the breed faced the brink of extinction in the country. Thankfully, a noble and dedicated breeder named John D. Johnson took it upon himself to revive their dwindling population. He embarked on a global quest, seeking the finest Bulldogs to enhance the breed’s vitality.

Johnson American Bulldogs have served multiple purposes throughout history. From chasing farm predators to joining in hunts and safeguarding family properties, they became versatile and reliable companions. Additionally, they played a supportive role in assisting shepherds with the gathering of bulls, cattle, and other herd animals.

Temperament and Personality

The Johnson American Bulldogs are known for their compassionate, loving, and loyal nature towards their owners, including children and younger individuals.

This inherent loyalty makes them excellent watchdogs and protectors of the household. However, due to their innate fighting instincts, they tend to exhibit excessive wariness toward strangers, which can pose challenges.

While they form strong bonds with their owners, Johnson American Bulldogs remain cautious around unfamiliar individuals. It’s not uncommon to witness these remarkable dogs display bravery by defending their owners from potential harm.


Practical training for your Johnson American Bulldog requires a firm yet patient approach. Given their history as dependable livestock guardians, they’re naturally inclined to learn and obey commands.

Begin training and socialization as soon as you bring your Bulldog home. Establish yourself as the leader to prevent overpowering behavior, significantly since they can grow over 100 pounds. Regular walks, park visits, and exposure to different people and dogs will help with socialization.

Key training areas for your Johnson American Bulldog include:

are Classic American Bulldogs easy to train?

1. Socializing:

Early socialization is critical, so expose your pup to various environments, people, and animals from the start. Enroll him in puppy classes where he can interact with other pups and learn valuable social skills. Take him to dog parks and arrange playdates with well-behaved dogs to promote positive interactions.

Helping these opportunities, your Johnson American Bulldog becomes comfortable and confident around other animals and people. This will reduce the likelihood of aggression and contribute to his happiness and well-being.

2. Obedience training:

Obedience training is vital for your Johnson American Bulldog. Use positive reinforcement to teach basic commands like sit, stay, come, and down. 

Regular training sessions strengthen the bond between you and your pup while promoting good behavior. Keep sessions short, enjoyable, and consistent, gradually introducing distractions. Seek professional guidance if needed. 

Obedience training enhances communication and mental stimulation and prevents behavioral issues, ensuring a well-behaved and rewarding relationship with your Bulldog.

3. Potty Training:

Start potty training your Johnson American Bulldog early and be consistent. Use positive reinforcement and establish a designated outdoor spot for elimination. 

Please heed their cues, reward triumphant potty breaks, and clean up accidents properly. Your Bulldog will learn to potty in the right place with time and patience.

4. Bite control/inhibition:

Teaching bite control or inhibition is essential to prevent your Johnson American Bulldog from hurting other animals or people. Start early by socializing them with various animals and people. 

Redirect any mouthing or nipping behavior to appropriate chew toys or interactive play. Reward calm and controlled behavior while consistently discouraging rough latitude or biting. Set clear boundaries and reinforce them consistently to promote gentle interactions.

5. Leash training:

Leash training is vital for the Johnson American Bulldog. Start early with a durable leash and short walks around the house or yard. Gradually increase the length of the walks as your pup gets comfortable.

 Use positive reinforcement and be patient and consistent. Enjoy the training process and create a strong bond with your Bulldog.

Exercise Requirements

The Johnson American Bulldog is energetic, although not as high-energy as breeds like Pitbulls or Scott-type American Bulldogs. 

A moderate exercise routine will suffice for this breed. Taking your Johnson American Bulldog for a light walk and engaging in playtime activities will help meet his exercise requirements. These activities keep him fit and prevent him from becoming restless or displaying aggression caused by pent-up energy.

Remember to adapt the intensity and duration of exercise based on your Bulldog’s age, health, and individual needs. Regular exercise will improve his well-being and ensure he remains a happy and balanced companion.

Living Conditions

The Johnson American Bulldog thrives in a spacious environment with ample room to run, play, and release their energy, especially as a young and high-energy pup. 

If you reside in an apartment or have limited outdoor space, there may be a better breed for you.

Grooming and Cleaning

Grooming the Johnson American Bulldog is a breeze, thanks to its short coat and thin fur. It’s often called the “touch and go” breed because it requires minimal upkeep.

  • While they shed very little throughout the year, it’s worth noting that baths are unnecessary unless they find themselves in exceptionally unsanitary conditions.
  • To promote healthy hair growth, occasional brushing is recommended. However, whether or not you opt for a coat trimmer is entirely your choice, as Bulldogs do not necessitate it. A brushing session every two weeks should suffice.

It’s advisable to designate a specific area in your yard or lawn for brushing to prevent stray hairs from finding their way into your home and causing an unwanted mess.

Grooming NeedsGrooming Frequency
Hair Brushing1-2 times a week.
BathingEvery 4 weeks.
Ear CleaningOnce a week.
Tooth Cleaning1-2 times a week.
Coat TrimmingNot needed.
Nail TrimmingEvery 1-2weeks.
A brief summary of how to groom a Bully American Bulldog

Food and Diet

Proper nutrition is essential for the Johnson American Bulldog, given its stature as an imposing watchdog. 

Therefore, their diet should have ample protein and hydration to fuel them throughout the day. Adequate protein intake enables them to develop lean muscle, supporting their daily activities. Alongside regular dog food, treats hold high value, serving purposes such as training and familiarization.

However, it’s crucial to be cautious with calorie-dense treats, as they can contribute to weight gain in your dog.

Common Health Issues 

Maintaining the health and well-being of your Johnson American Bulldog is essential for a long and vibrant life. While this breed is known for its overall robustness, there are a few health considerations :

is original American Bulldog healthy?

1. Hip Dysplasia

Dysplasia is a condition that can affect larger dogs, including Johnson American Bulldogs and is characterized by abnormal joint development. This disease often manifests during the early months of a Bulldog’s growth. It can result in osteoporosis, uneven bone growth, and difficulty walking normally.

Fortunately, if dysplasia is identified early on, surgical intervention can be performed. This can significantly alleviate pain and discomfort for your beloved pets. Dysplasia can occur in the hips (hip dysplasia) or elbows (elbow dysplasia), which may require appropriate medical attention.

2. Fibrosarcoma

Fibrosarcoma is a condition where fibroblast cells within the dog’s body develop abnormally in the soft tissues. This can lead to fibrosarcoma formation, characterized by multiple bone tumors that may result in fractures or, in severe cases, require limb amputation. 

It’s important to note that Johnson American Bulldog owners can be susceptible to this condition. However, its exact cause remains unknown.

3. Cherry Eye

Cherry Eye, a term that describes the protrusion of an American Bulldog’s eyelids, occurs when an abnormal gland causes a fleshy mass to extend outward from the eye. Veterinarians diagnose this as a congenital condition and provide appropriate treatment. 

In cases where the protrusion is significant, surgical removal is often recommended. Alternatively, medications can be utilized as an alternative approach.

List of dogs that are similar to American Bulldog Johnson

Frequently Asked Questions


In conclusion, the American Bulldog Johnson epitomizes the perfect blend of strength, loyalty, and affection. Bred by John D. Johnson, these dogs showcase an impressive physical presence alongside a gentle and devoted temperament. 

Whether as working dogs, family companions, or emotional support animals, they leave an indelible mark on the lives of their owners. The American Bulldog Johnson stands tall as an iconic breed, leaving a lasting legacy of power, loyalty, and unwavering companionship in the hearts of dog enthusiasts worldwide.

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